Macam-Macam Emoticons

nih ada emotions, jika kamu  inggin berkomentar di salah sata blog dengan rada vareasi,, langsung aja cekodot..
happy:) happy

klik :
Yahoo Messenger Emoticons
happy :) happy
sad :( sad
winking ;) winking
big grin :D big grin
batting eyelashes ;;) batting eyelashes
big hug >:D< big hug
confused :-/ confused
love struck :x love struck
blushing :”> blushing
tongue :P tongue
kiss :-* kiss
broken heart =(( broken heart
surprise :-O surprise
angry X( angry
smug :> smug
cool B-) cool
worried :-S worried
whew! #:-S whew!
devil >:) devil
crying :( ( crying
laughing :) ) laughing
straight face :| straight face
raised eyebrow /:) raised eyebrow
rolling on the floor =)) rolling on the floor
angel O:-) angel
nerd :-B nerd
talk to the hand =; talk to the hand
call me - New! :-c call me – New!
on the phone - New! :) ] on the phone – New!
at wits' end - New! ~X( at wits’ end – New!
wave - New! :-h wave – New!
time out - New! :-t time out – New!
daydreaming - New! 8-> daydreaming – New!
sleepy I-) sleepy
rolling eyes 8-| rolling eyes
loser L-) loser
sick :-& sick
don't tell anyone :-$ don’t tell anyone
not talking [-( not talking
clown :O) clown
silly 8-} silly
party <:-P party
yawn (:| yawn
drooling =P~ drooling
thinking :-? thinking
d'oh #-o d'oh
applause =D> applause
nailbiting :-SS nailbiting
hypnotized @-) hypnotized
liar :^o liar
waiting :-w waiting
sigh :-< sigh
phbbbbt >:P phbbbbt
cowboy <):) cowboy
puppy dog eyes - New! :o 3 puppy dog eyes - New!
I don't know - New! :-? ? I don't know - New!
not listening %-( not listening
pig :@) pig
cow 3:-O cow
monkey :( |) monkey
chicken ~:> chicken
rose @};- rose
good luck %%- good luck
flag **== flag
pumpkin (~~) pumpkin
coffee ~O) coffee
idea *-:) idea
skull 8-X skull
bug =:) bug
alien >-) alien
frustrated :-L frustrated
praying [-O< praying
money eyes $-) money eyes
whistling :-" whistling
feeling beat up b-( feeling beat up
peace sign :) >- peace sign
shame on you [-X shame on you
dancing :D / dancing
bring it on >:/ bring it on
hee hee ;) ) hee hee
chatterbox :-@ chatterbox
not worthy ^:)^ not worthy
oh go on :-j oh go on
star (*) star
hiro o-> hiro
billy o=> billy
april o-+ april
yin yang (%) yin yang
WordPress Emoticons
smile :) :-) :smile: biggrin :D :-D :grin: sad :( :-( :sad:
surprised :o :-o :eek: eek 8O 8-O :shock: confused :? :-? :???:
cool 8) 8-) :cool: mad :x :-x :mad: razz :P :-P :razz:
neutral :| :-| :neutral: wink ;) ;-) :wink: lol :lol: redface :oops:
cry :cry: evil :evil: twisted :twisted: rolleyes :roll: exclaim :!: question :?:
idea :idea: arrow :arrow: mrgreen :mrgreen:

Eastern Emoticons
Icon Meaning Icon Meaning
:-) classic smile with nose :'-) happy crying (generally associated with mockery)
:-( classic sad with nose |-O yawn
:) classic smile without nose :-D laughter
:( classic sad without nose %-( or :-S confused
:-B buck-tooth B-) Batman / smiley with glasses
:-# with braces :-@ scream
>:3 A lion, or an evil smile :@ what??? (seriously?)
:-| indifferent :-0 surprised
>O "Ouch" :0] smiling
;0] winking and smiling at same time ;-) winking smile with nose
;0 winking with open mouth ;) winking smile without nose
(:-D gossip, blabbermouth `:-) one eyebrow raised
8D Awesome :P tongue sticking out (silly)
:-& tongue tied O:-) I’m an angel
c^:3 Left Mouse :-X My lips are sealed, or “mum.”
~:> chicken :-K Fangs sticking out.
x-( Angry, bummed out =0 surprised
:-* Kiss XD Laughter
;:^)B> Beard with buck teeth and nose: (::[]::) bandaid; offering help or support
O.O Shocked O.o or o.O Shocked and sceptical
._. Sad, shy. <3 A heart, or ‘I love you’.
8I Not happy or sad. :D Big, potentially goofy smile.
>8V-()< A duck :-$ ‘Grillz’ or money mouth. (Being greedy for money)
=3 Used to show happiness. 3 shows pouting of the lips in an amused way. (Alternative – :3) <|:) wearing a (tin-foil) hat
<>< Ichthys (Christian symbol), Fish >_< Angry/frustrated face
<@:) dunce with hat and curly hair <_< or >_> Sneer to left or Sneer to right
Japanese Emoticons (kaomoji)
Tersenyum (^_ ^)
Tersenyum (^- ^)
Tertawa lebar (^O^)
Aku lagi santai sambil merokok nih (^ o ^)y-~~~~~
Senyum simpul (^ . ^)
Bersorak riang (^O^)/
Berseru (^ 3 ^)
Salut Jempol (^_^)d
Nangis (T_T)
Senyum malu, tersipu (*^-^*)
Senyum merona (o^-^o)
Keringatan (^ ^;)
Merasa terganggu (“- ” ;)
Gugup (-_- ;)
Garuk-garuk kepala f(^_^)
Menangis (T_T)
Menitikkan air mata (; _ ;)
Manyun (” ~ “)
Geram (>_<)
Marah (-_- #)
Bete (+_+)
Pusing (x_x)
Bertanya-tanya ( ?_?)
Melotot, heran (@_@)
Tidur (_ _)zzZZ
Bosan sampai ketiduran (_ _’)
Good bye (^o^)/~~
Memohon m(_ _)m
Mendengarkan w( ^_^)
Mencium (*^3^ )
Dicium (*^.^* )
Malu (=_=)
Tersipu (#^^# )
Bermimpi (_ _)..ooOO
Menulis X(. . )
Berlari ((( (((;^ ^)
Tergesa-gesa C= C=(;’ _’)
Putus asa (o_ _)o
Acungkan jempol (^ _^)d
Tanda peace (^ _^)v
Ngajak berantem (p^ ^)p
Merokok (” 3 “)y-~~~-
Merokok y(^o^ )..ooOO
Ultraman (@|@ )
Satria Baja Hitam (@w@)
ET (-)(-)
Tikus (” )~
Kodok n(“~”)n
Babi (^o_o^)
Kucing (=^.^= )

maaf copas..

semoga bermanfaat''


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